Get Moving Nottingham – LEAP Project

The Local Exercise Action pilot (LEAP) programme was an exciting public health programme funded by the Department of Health, Sport England and the Countryside Agency to test out and evaluate different evidence based ways to increase physical activity levels in the community. Nottingham involved peer mentors in their pilot, read the evaluation here.

Activity Friends – Nottingham

Activity Friends is a volunteer programme for the over 50’s designed to help people achieve a healthier lifestyle through increasing physical activity and befriending to alleviate social isolation. Volunteers are trained as ‘Activity Friends’ who then reach out to their peers in their local community. Support and encouragement is given on a one-to-one or a…

Cotswolds – Mentors to support active living

‘Enjoy Later Life’ is a peer mentor training programme that enables volunteers to work with older people to support independent living. The report will highlight the successes of the training, points for consideration in the subsequent training programmes and opportunities for further development. In addition, this report will highlight the health benefits for the Cotswold…

CHAMPS – Senior Peer Mentoring for active lifestyles

CHAMPS (Community Healthy Activities Model Program For Seniors) is a public health model program to promote increased lifetime physical activity levels of seniors. Substantial scientific evidence supports increased physical activity as a promising approach to improve the health and well-being of seniors. Accordingly, CHAMPS promotes and facilitates physically active lifestyles for seniors. It encourages participants…

Research – Otago and reduced mortality – 2010

Does the ‘Otago exercise programme’ reduce mortality and falls in older adults?: a systematic review and meta-analysis. This paper published in Age and Ageing in 2010 by Thomas et al. shows that the Otago Exercise Programme significantly reduces the risk of death and falling in older community-dwelling adults. They reviewed 7 trials with over 1500…

Living well with dementia: Guidance for exercise instructors and wellness leaders

Bob Laventure and Claudine Aherne have written three articles for the ICAA on working with people living with Dementia. The BHFNC are currently developing a programme to support those coordinating and delivering services and physical activity programmes for people living with dementia in line with the publication of the National Dementia Strategy in England (and…