Please ensure you can attend all face to face learning days of a course (where a course has more than one day) and are able to complete the online work in the required timeframe (where applicable) before applying. Defer costs will apply if you are unable to attend any days of the course after booking.

You can apply and view the full details of each course by clicking on the course name below.

If you want to view the dates of only one type of course (i.e PSI), use the main navigation menu to navigate via Courses to your course preference and select dates.


Course: Online Learning Enrolment: Face to Face Number of Learning Hours Status:
Start Date: End Date: Contact: Non Contact:
London - OENG300
14-Nov-24 12-Dec-24 15-Jan-25 24 25 Course started
Barnsley - DEM056
09-Dec-24 16-Jan-25 16-Jan-25 7 1 No vacancies
Holmes Chapel - OENG304
20-Dec-24 22-Jan-25 06-Feb-25 24 25 Vacancies
Wirral - OENG308
23-Dec-24 27-Jan-25 18-Feb-25 24 25 Vacancies
Calmore - OENG298
06-Jan-25 01-Feb-25 16-Feb-25 24 25 Vacancies
Hadleigh - OENG306
07-Jan-25 04-Feb-25 19-Feb-25 24 25 Last few remaining vacancies
London - FENG248
09-Jan-25 06-Feb-25 04-Apr-25 34 166 No vacancies
Preston - DEM057
14-Jan-25 12-Feb-25 12-Feb-25 7 1 No vacancies
Bury - OENG307N
22-Jan-25 19-Feb-25 20-Feb-25 16 25 Last few remaining vacancies
Barnsley - OENG305
30-Jan-25 27-Feb-25 19-Mar-25 24 25 Vacancies
Rainham - OENG301
30-Jan-25 27-Feb-25 21-Mar-25 24 25 No vacancies
Isle of Wight - FENG249
04-Feb-25 04-Mar-25 30-Apr-25 34 166 Last few remaining vacancies
Southampton - OENG303
06-Feb-25 06-Mar-25 28-Mar-25 24 25 Vacancies
London - OENG302
10-Feb-25 10-Mar-25 28-Mar-25 24 25 Vacancies
Worcester - CPD138
27-Feb-25 13-Mar-25 13-Mar-25 6 0 Vacancies
Maybole - FSCO044
13-Feb-25 13-Mar-25 16-May-25 34 166 Reserves being taken
Leeds - FENG253
27-Feb-25 27-Mar-25 09-May-25 34 166 Reserves being taken
London - FENG252
03-Mar-25 31-Mar-25 20-May-25 34 166 Reserves being taken
Courses coming soon:
  • London PSI