PSI – Research implementing PSI (2017) – PhISICAL
The PhISICAL Activity Intervention in Community-based AduLts (PhISICAL) Study The aim of the PhISICAL study is to examine the implementation of FaME in two very different areas of the East Midlands in order to understand the factors that make such a programme a success or not. You can find out more about this work, led by Nottingham University…
FaME (PSI) reduces falls even in low risk older adults (but not OEP) – Gawler et al. 2016
Sheena Gawler has published the results on falls reduction in a low risk population of older adults after a 6 month PSI intervention and a 6 month OEP intervention. Conclusions: Community-dwelling older adults who joined an exercise intervention (FaME) aimed at increasing MVPA did not fall more during the intervention period, fell less and had…
PSI sessions significantly increase habitual physical activity as well as reducing falls (ProAct65+)
New research published this week shows that FaME sessions delivered by PSIs to the general older population through primary care (not high risk fallers) for 6 months, significantly increased habitual physical activity (self reported moderate physical activity) by 15 minutes a day even a year after the intervention finishes. These sessions also significantly reduced the…
How do PSIs and OEPs fit into falls services for older people?
A best practice document produced by Public Health Wales gives a clear breakdown of the competencies of instructors working with older fallers in Wales, including the role of the PSI and OEP leader. Download here to read their guidance.
FaME (PSI) and Parkinsons Disease – Evidence
Vicki Goodwin and colleagues adapted the FaME exercises for their pragmatic randomised controlled trial looking at falls prevention in patients with Parkinson’s Disease (PD). You can view the paper here. Methods: Recruitment was from three primary and four secondary care organisations, and PD support groups in South West England. The intervention was delivered in community…
Age UK publish EXPERT SERIES on Falls Prevention – for commissioners and policy makers
Document Title: Falls Prevention Exercise – following the evidence Document Purpose: To explain the research base for falls prevention exercise to give a better understanding of the programmes that have been shown to be effective in preventing falls. Target Audience: Clinical Commissioning Groups, Public Health professionals, commissioners of care services, health and care service providers,…
Video summary of the benefits of PSI
Stability classes help to reduce the risk of falls “I would say that since beginning the class, my balance has improved, my confidence has improved and I haven’t had a fall in twelve months. I’m also managing the duties of everyday life.” The Wrexham Strength and Balance Classes are held every week and provide training…