Dance does not necessarily reduce falls even if it can reduce some of the risk factors for falls – review of evidence from the Older People and Frailty Policy Research Unit

The Older People and Frailty Policy Research Unit were requested by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) to examine whether dance-based interventions are effective in preventing falls, reducing risk of falls, or preventing fear of falls in older adults, and to provide an overview of the evidence for cost-effectiveness of dance-based interventions for…

AGILE endorsed Falls Exercise Referral Form

Why do we need to have a Referral Form? AGILE, working in collaboration with Later Life Training, have produced a Referral Form that provides vital information for PSIs and OEP Leaders to support decisions for: suitability into programmes, (and venues and class sizes) baseline exercise selection and challenge, ongoing progression and tailoring, and scope of…

FaME used as evidence of reach and impact in 4 different HEI Impact Case studies (REF2021)

FaME as an intervention to reduce falls has been used an exemplar of impact by four separate universities in their REF2021 Impact Case Studies. HEIs were required to submit impact case studies that demonstrate the impacts their research has had beyond academia. The number of impact case studies each submitting unit was required to submit…

7 Days of Moving Prompts

LLT have marked International Day of the Older Person on 1st October 2021 with the launch of 7 days of Moving Prompts …. a small, simple but potentially impactful tool to encourage and prompt more frequent movement across the day. #7days #MMYM We know that those that move the least have the most to gain.  We…